
Container projects - promote recycling, kenetic design, flexibility & compact functioning

Brandywine, PA - 6 containers comprising a restaurant on top of a 10 story parking deck

Ballpark, WI - concessions, ticket booth, retail store & beer garden containers

Shark Wake Park, FL - bar and entertainment container with roof deck

Sparkman Wharf, FL - 20 containers for various bars, restaurants, tower & seating areas

Taco Habitat, MI - 9 containers for a two story restaurant with patio & roof deck

Retail Store, GA & VA - 8 containers for a portable marketing facility with patio

Bring the green inside

Living plant walls

Electronic natural imagery

Large expanses of glass

Planned organic landscaping

Re-thinking standard office elements

Drought resistant plantings instead of grass to reduce water, fertilizer & pesticide use

Dynamic water features integrated into patio areas

Greenery as works of art & screening

Skylights to bring in natural light to central areas